
Your Workout is Obsolete: Here's Why

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Your Workout is Obsolete: Here's Why
Stop Doing It Wrong - Your wasting your time and possibly risking injury because your workout routine is stuck in the 1960s. This gallery was created to let you know what you are doing wrong and get you back on track!
Your Workout is Obsolete: Here's Why
You Always Wear A Weightlifting Belt - Wearing a weightlifting belt decreases your muscles' ability to properly stabilize the spine, thus decreasing your workout. Only wear a belt when you max out.
Your Workout is Obsolete: Here's Why
You Still Take Long Rests Between Sets - Trainers used to say to rest long enough between weight training sets to recover your energy. Taking long rests slows your heart rate, cools your muscles, and could lead to cramps or injury. 30-45 seconds is plenty.
Your Workout is Obsolete: Here's Why
You're Still Doing Leg Extensions - Leg extensions are a very lopsided exercise; they only work your legs above the knee. Leg extensions should really be reserved for people in rehab. Do some free-range squats instead.

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