
Lose Weight At Work

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Lose Weight At Work
Eat Breakfast - Starting the day off with food in your system starts your metabolism. Stick to a high protein pick, which will energize you without the "carb crash."Martha Stewart Living says that even something small, like a banana, is a better step towards losing weight at work than skipping this meal all together.
Lose Weight At Work
Eat Right At Work!! - The biggest key to losing weight at work: eat better!! Pack your own lunch or scope out a spot nearby that has healthy-ish take-out. Pack healthy snacks for yourself, and-do your best to-resist fattening or sugary treats that other coworkers bring in.
Lose Weight At Work
Switch From Coffee To Tea - Let's face it, some of us aren't going to make it through the day without our morning coffee. But once you're at the office, consider switching to a green tea for a caffeine boost without the extra jitters or added sweeteners.
Lose Weight At Work
Get Up And Out Of Your Chair - It's small, but it'll help keep your weight down and boost your energy. Get up to hold the door for someone, or walk a file to the cabinet instead of rolling there on your chair.
Lose Weight At Work
Keep A Bit of Equipment Nearby - This won't fly in many offices. BUT IF YOU CAN SWING IT, sit on an exercise ball instead of a typical office chair, or keep a resistance band in your desk to bust out when you have a lull in your work schedule.

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