
Lose Weight, No Workout Required

Friday, October 3, 2014

Eat Spicier Foods - Eating spicy food can help you lose weight by kicking your metabolism into gear. It also helps to burn the excess energy in the same way your muscles do. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons you will lose weight with spicy foods is that they help to suppress appetite.
Lose Weight, No Workout Required
Don't Eat Alone - When you eat alone, you’re more likely to make unhealthy choices. Having someone there to observe your food choices will put the pressure on to make better decisions. Try to find someone you can be accountable to like a spouse, co-worker or friend.
Lose Weight, No Workout Required
Eat At the Table - Eating at the table is more important to weight loss than it seems. When eating in front of the television, people are often unaware of how their body is reacting and they will eat beyond the point of feeling full. When people eat standing at the fridge instead of serving portions onto a plate, they often consume larger servings and eat more calories than they need.
Lose Weight, No Workout Required
Don't Have a Drink - There’s nothing wrong with a glass of wine here and there, but consuming too much alcohol could be keeping the pounds on. Cutting it out of your diet will save you on the calories and sugars. It will also help you to focus on your meal because when you’ve had a few too many, you may not properly monitor your food intake like you should.
Lose Weight, No Workout Required
Stop Drinking Soda - Soda is one of the worst things you can drink. You might as well be spoon-feeding yourself sugar right out of the bag, not to mention all of the dyes and chemicals used in most popular soft drinks (even the “diet” sodas.) Opt for unsweetened tea or lemon water instead. It will be an adjustment but it will be worth it when you start dropping pounds.
Lose Weight, No Workout Required

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