
High-calorie foods to avoid

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

High-calorie foods to avoid
Peanut Butter - Just a couple tablespoons has about 200 calories. Yikes!
High-calorie foods to avoid
Potato Salad - It's not just the starchy potatoes, but the huge amounts of mayo that make these a one of the dishes you must avoid.
High-calorie foods to avoid
Avocados - They're surprisingly high in calories, plus they're one of the few vegetables that contain fat.
High-calorie foods to avoid
Lard - A single tablespoon has about 150 calories.
High-calorie foods to avoid
Bacon - Sorry bacon-lovers, but a single strip can have over 150 calories.
High-calorie foods to avoid
Salad Dressings - A sure-fire way to ruin a healthy meal.
High-calorie foods to avoid
Protein Bars - Protein bars are great for fit people trying to add bulk. Those of us trying to shed pounds, however, should avoid these high-calorie snacks.
High-calorie foods to avoid
Ice Cream - A delicious treat, for sure. But one that will have you packing on weight with every serving.
High-calorie foods to avoid
Chocolate - Even dark chocolate, which is better for you than other types, still has a whopping 5 calories for every gram.

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