
The World's Weirdest Fitness Tips and Tricks

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The World's Weirdest Fitness Tips and Tricks
Clothes Make the (Wo)Man - Red can increase blood circulation and body temperature, upping the ante on your workout. The science behind it? Red affects the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that regulates body temperature, appetite and energy levels. Reds, as well as oranges, can help get your brain into the zone. Who knew your outfit could get you a better and longer workout?
The World's Weirdest Fitness Tips and Tricks
Ellipticals Suck - Not only is it arguably the most boring exercise machine, the elliptical is also one of the least effective. It uses momentum instead of muscle force, cheating you out of a harder workout. Although it increases your heart rate, you don’t reach one required to burn fat unless you exercise for 45-60 minutes and vary your intensity and resistance. It can be useful for warming up or rehab, but other than that it’s a time-drain. A good basic rule is: if you can watch TV while you’re doing it, you’re not burning fat.
The World's Weirdest Fitness Tips and Tricks
You’re Too Young For a Hump! - Don’t just spot tone the muscles you can see - there’s more to a good figure than pecs, abs, glutes and quads. Your upper back is a crucial area to tone, both for physical appearance and comfort. Neglecting this zone gives you a clear “hump” caused by forward-rounded shoulders and a forward leaning neck. Not only do you end up looking like a slouch, but you are also vulnerable to neck and shoulder pain.
To reverse this trend, stretch chest muscles and do exercises that force you to retract the neck and shoulders. Good examples are rows, front lat pull-downs, and upward dumbbell flys. Don’t forget to stick your chest out while doing them, too!
The World's Weirdest Fitness Tips and Tricks
Keep Your Hands Cold - “Cold hands, warm heart,” ...slim waistline? Perhaps. Holding a hand-cooling device (such as an ice pack or water bottle) can help you exercise longer. A Stanford study suggests doing this reduces your body temperature and helps you stay comfortable while saving energy for your workout.
The World's Weirdest Fitness Tips and Tricks
Sweat ≠ Working Like A Turbo Jet - Sweat is part of homeostasis, or the function that allows your body to regulate itself despite changing environments. Perspiration increases in hot temperatures and intense activity, but you’re actually sweating all the time. It’s not a clear sign that you are burning any calories, however. For instance, sweating in a sauna does not mean you burned more calories than running in cold weather. So quit checking out your pit stains and focus on your heart rate monitor. An elevated heart rate and is the only real indication you’re burning fat!

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