
Health Tips for Hair Growth - Natural Home Remedies for Hair Lost

Friday, June 20, 2014

For the bald, this is good news. Health Tips for Hair Growth - Natural Home Remedies. A man with almost no hair on his body has grown a full head of it, including eyebrows, eyelashes as well as facial, armpit and other hair, with a drug meant to treat arthritis. The patient was diagnosed with alopecia universalis, a rare disease that results in loss of all body hair, and plaque psoriasis, a condition characterised by scaly red areas of skin.

The only hair on the patient’s body was within the psoriasis plaques on his head. He was referred to Yale University’s dermatology department for treatment of the psoriasis. The alopecia universalis was never treated. Doctors used an existing FDA-approved drug for rheumatoid arthritis called tofacitinib citrate. Health Tips for Hair Growth - Natural Home Remedies for Hair Lost. The drug had been used successfully for treating psoriasis in humans. It had also reversed alopecia areata – a less extreme form of alopecia  in mice. There is currently no cure or long-term treatment for alopecia universalis. After two months on tofacitinib at 10 mg daily, the patient’s psoriasis showed some improvement, and the man had grown scalp and facial hair the first hair he had grown there in seven years.

Health Tips for Hair Growth - Natural Home Remedies for Hair Lost

After three more months of therapy at 15 mg daily, the patient had completely regrown scalp hair and also had clearly visible eyebrows, eyelashes, and facial hair, as well as armpit and other hair, the doctors said. ‘By eight months, there was full regrowth of hair. The patient has reported feeling no side effects, and we have seen no lab test abnormalities either,

What are home remedies to treat hair loss?

If you are experiencing hair fall, you can control it with inexpensive home remedies. Health Tips for Hair Growth - Natural Home Remedies for Hair Lost. These help in strengthening the roots to initiate new growth. Some of these are:

Health Tips for Hair Growth - Natural Home Remedies for Hair Lost
Coconut provides a host of ingredients that naturally condition and promote growth of hair. . The milk of the coconut contains proteins, essential fats and minerals such as potassium and iron; using it regularly can reduce the breakage of hair. Coconut oil also carries the same rich ingredients and it helps to make the hair stronger right from the root, through the shaft to the tip. Regular use of this oil to massage the scalp has a protective action against hair loss. Grate coconut and squeeze out the milk by mixing in a little water. Apply this to the specific area where you notice thinning or balding. Allow to stay overnight and the next morning, rinse off with water.

Health Tips for Hair Growth - Natural Home Remedies for Hair Lost
Make a paste with freshly chopped coriander leaves and water. Health Tips for Hair Growth - Natural Home Remedies for Hair Lost. Use its juice to apply on the scalp. Keep it for about an hour and then wash it off.

Curry leaves
Health Tips for Hair Growth - Natural Home Remedies for Hair Lost
You can make an effective hair tonic by boiling some curry leaves in your hair oil and applying it on your scalp. Massage it well for at least 15-20 minutes. Follow this procedure twice a week to stimulate your hair growth.

Health Tips for Hair Growth - Natural Home Remedies for Hair Lost
Squeeze an onion and take juice out of it. Health Tips for Hair Growth - Natural Home Remedies for Hair Lost. Add one to two teaspoons of honey to it. To do away with the odour, you can use rose water with onions. Mix and apply it on your hair. Keep it for 40 to 50 minutes. Then wash your hair.

Please check our previous post Health Tips for Smokers - Reducing The Harmful Effects of Smoking
Also some of our related post Health Tips for Hair


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