
Health Tips for Women - Beating up Stress

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Here is some article Health Tips for Women - Beating up Stress

In some way laughing was not only eases stress, promotes social bonding, and lowers blood pressure, it may also boost your immune system. be sure to bring some humor into your life, whether it's through socializing or even a new movie show.

Just forget everything you have heard about the stress-eating being bad. If you eat the right foods when your nerves are jangling will actually calm you down. The great news is, because if the last thing you need is more stress, which over time it will increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity

There are some best foods that could soothe stress and can counteract the damage that chronic pressure does to your body. Consume a lot of them so that when the tension rises you can beat stress instead of freaking out.

Almonds, Pistachios & Walnuts
Health Tips for Women - Beating up Stress

When the tension rises, Health Tips for Women - Beating up Stress recommend to grab for a handful of almonds. They're bursting with vitamin E, an antioxidant that bolsters the immune system. Almonds also contain B vitamins, which will help your body hold up during seriously to some unpleasant events. Approximately a quarter cup every day is all you need. Another easy way to get a fix is to switch from traditional PB to almond butter on high-tension days.

Hates of almonds? try pistachios or crack walnuts. They will help keep your heart from racing when things heat up. When the stress strikes, hormone adrenaline raises blood pressure to boost energy -- so you're prepared to run like hell if you need to. Just try eating one and a half ounces (about a handful) of pistachios a day will lowers blood pressure so your heart does not have to work overtime. Walnuts could also been found to lower blood pressure, both at rest and under stress,

Health Tips for Women - Beating up Stress
The next time you get stress avoid for a high-fat, creamy treat, and skip the ice cream. You could try some
homemade guacamole the thick, rich texture could satisfy your craving and reduce all the frantic feelings. It has amount of monounsaturated fat and potassium that will lower your blood pressure. One of the best ways to reduce high blood pressure, you will get enough potassium with just half an avocado offers 487 milligrams, it is more than you will get from a medium-size banana.

Skim Milk
Health Tips for Women - Beating up Stress
This old warm-milk is a  best remedy for insomnia and restlessness.  Health Tips for Women - Beating up Turns out some calcium will condense muscle spasms and soothe panic, A glass of Skim Milk may with access stressful PMS symptoms such as atmosphere swings, demonstration, and irritability. Many women who drank four or more servings of low-fat or skim milk per morning had very about 46 percent belittle risk of pre-become early problem than women who had no more than one serving per week.

Health Tips for Women - Beating up Stress
Carbohydrates will make the brain produce more serotonin, The more slowly your body absorbs carbs, the more steadily serotonin flows, Because thick, hearty oatmeal is high in fiber, few things understand longer for your stomach to condensation, some people
recommends topping it behind a swirl of jam for a quicker general pardon of serotonin. When you know it's going to be a doozy of a hours of day, avoid heavily processed varieties, which are digested more speedily, and receive the time to make thick-graze out of date oats. But if two minutes for breakfast is every single one one you have, you can yet reach your mood a favor by opting for instant oatmeal more than Cocoa Puffs.

Health Tips for Women - Beating up Stress
The magic nutrient here is vitamin C.  Health Tips for Women - Beating up StressThose who took 3,000 milligrams of vitamin C reported that they felt less stressed, and their blood pressure and levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) returned to normal faster. "Vitamin C is also a well-known immune system booster,"

Health Tips for Women - Beating up Stress
Stress hormones have an archenemy: omega-3 fatty acids. a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids kept cortisol and adrenaline from geysering. Omega-3 fatty acids also protect against heart disease, "Eat a three-ounce serving of fish, especially fatty fish like herring, light tuna, mackerel and salmon at least twice a week," Not a fish eater fans? there are another omega-3 you could find on the particular fatty acid in eggs, yogurt, milk, and soy products. But not recommended for the products that boast booming of ALA level, another fatty acid, which may not work as well.

Health Tips for Women - Beating up Stress
Health Tips for Women - Beating up Stress explain that magnesium was made to calm holiday insanity. The mineral inside can help lower your stress levels, keeping your body in a state of relative ease. Lack of magnesium will trigger migraine headaches and make you feel fatigued. Just one cup of spinach will provides 40 percent of your daily value, combine it for lettuce on sandwiches and salads.

Read also my next post Health Tips for Teens - Good Nutrition

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