
Health Tips for Summer - Boost Personal Health

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

In the warmer, longer, lazier days of summer, the living may not be easy, but your life probably feels less chaotic. That's why Health Tips for Summer - Boost Personal Health presented this is a perfect time to improve your health in a fashion so seasonally laid back you'll barely notice the effort.

If you could only suggest one simple change this season to boost personal health, what would it be? Here are their top eight tips.

Alcohol: Go Lite
Health Tips for Summer - Boost Personal Health

Summer's a great time to skip drinks with hard alcohol and choose a light, chilled alcoholic beverage (unless you are pregnant or should not drink for health or other reasons).

A sangria (table wine diluted with juice), a cold beer, or a wine spritzer are all refreshing but light. In moderation defined as one to two drinks daily alcohol can protect against heart disease.

Be Good to Your Eyes
To protect your vision at work and at play, wear protective eye wear. Health Tips for Summer - Boost Personal Health. When outdoors, wear sunglasses that block at least 99% of ultraviolet A and B rays. Sunglasses can help prevent cataracts, as well as wrinkles around the eyes.

And when playing sports or doing tasks such as mowing the lawn, wear protective eye wear. Ask your eye doctor about the best type; some are sport-specific

Floss Daily
Health Tips for Summer - Boost Personal Health. You know you need to, now it's time to start: floss every single day. Do it at the beach (in a secluded spot), while reading on your patio, or when watching TV and the task will breeze by.

Flossing reduces oral bacteria, which improves overall body health, and if oral bacteria is low, your body has more resources to fight bacteria elsewhere. Floss daily and you're doing better than at least 85% of people.

Get Dirty and Stress Less
To improve your stress level, plant a small garden, cultivate a flower box, or if space is really limited, plant a few flower pots -- indoors or out.

Just putting your hands in soil is "grounding." And when life feels like you're moving so fast your feet are barely touching the stuff, being mentally grounded can help relieve physical and mental stress.

Get Outside to Exercise
Health Tips for Summer - Boost Personal Health

Pick one outdoor activity going on a hike, taking a nature walk, playing games such as tag with your kids, cycling, roller blading, or swimming to shed that cooped-up feeling of gym workouts.

Health Tips for Summer - Boost Personal Health. And remember, the family that plays together not only gets fit together. It is also a great way to create bonding time.

Give Your Diet a Berry Boost
Health Tips for Summer - Boost Personal Health

If you do one thing this summer to improve your diet, have a cup of mixed fresh berries blackberries, blueberries, or strawberries every day. They'll help you load up on antioxidants, which may help prevent damage to tissues and reduce the risks of age-related illnesses. Blueberries and blackberries are especially antioxidant-rich.

A big bonus: Berries are also tops in fiber, which helps keep cholesterol low and may even help prevent some cancers.

Sleep Well
Health Tips for Summer - Boost Personal Health

Resist the urge to stay up later during long summer days. Instead pay attention to good sleep hygiene by keeping the same bedtime and wake-up schedule and not drinking alcohol within three hours of bedtime.

It's also a good idea to avoid naps during the day unless you take them every day at the same time, for the same amount of time.

Vacation Time!
Improve your heart health: take advantage of summer's slower schedule by using your vacation time to unwind.

Health Tips for Summer - Boost Personal Health explained that vacations have multiple benefits: They can help lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormones such as cortisol, which contributes to a widening waist and an increased risk of heart disease.

Try one or try them all. They are so easy you won't even know they are really good for you.

Check my previous posting Health Tips for March - Celebrate The Warmer

Health Tips for March - Celebrate The Warmer

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Health Tips for March - Celebrate The Warmer. Get a free food-plan, cut out trans fats, start knitting, recipes to try and other fun new ways to enjoy the month and improve your health. Spring is almost here! Celebrate the warmer, longer days by taking care of your health this month.

Air out your house
Health Tips for March - Celebrate The Warmer

It's been cold out, so it's understandable that we've all been keeping our houses locked up tight. But now that spring is approaching, pick a warm afternoon to open up windows and let in fresh air.

Cut the trans fats
It's official: Trans fatty acids are one of the nastiest things in the typical Canadian diet. They've been implicated in increasing your risk of heart disease, and research from Wake Forest University School of Medicine shows that they cause you not only to gain more weight than eating other foods with the same amount of calories, but also to gain that weight in your abdominal area -- and who needs that? Instead, make a choice to be healthy and cut trans fats from your diet as best you can.

Get a free custom food plan
Health Tips for March - Celebrate The Warmer

Health Tips for March - Celebrate The Warmer is full of helpful suggestions for maintaining a healthy diet. The best part? You can get a customized food guide online. Enter your gender and age and the system will give you a precise number of recommended servings per day of each category of food. Then, go through the guide section by section and choose serving examples that fit your lifestyle. You'll end up with a printable guide that'll look great on your fridge and it'll serve as a handy reminder of healthy food choices.

Get your eyes checked
The Study recommends that adults get eye exams every year or two annually for those over 65 to maintain optimal ocular health. Health Tips for March - Celebrate The Warmer. Even if you have to pay for the exam, it's a worthwhile investment it's the only pair of eyes you've got, after all. Make sure to save any receipts to claim as health-care expenses on your income tax return.

Get your numbers and know your risk factors
One of the keys to taking care of your health is knowing where you stand. Make sure to know your family history and the diseases you may be at risk for perhaps your parents and grandparents all had high cholesterol, for instance. Then discuss this information with your physician, and get any tests that will help you keep track of how you're doing. (For more on staying on top of your well-being, read

Have fish for dinner
Health Tips for March - Celebrate The Warmer

Health Tips for March - Celebrate The Warmer recommends eating two servings of fish per week, and suggests options such as char, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines and trout. For the healthiest picks both for you and for the planet make sure to choose sustainable options that are low in mercury and high in nutrition.

Laugh out loud
Laughter isn't just for fun anymore -- turns out it's good for your heart, too. According to one study, from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, daily laughter improves blood flow and has much the same effect on your body as exercise (which, researchers add, is no excuse to hang up your sneakers).

Pick up a hobby
If you're looking for a new challenge or a way to give your mind a break from daily stress, maybe it's time you picked up a new hobby. Health Tips for March - Celebrate The Warmer. Whether it's running, knitting or online genealogy research, devoting yourself to a pastime is a great way to build confidence, meet new people and exercise your brain.

Try a new grain
Health Tips for March - Celebrate The Warmer

Variety is key when it comes to healthy eating. Not only should you be focusing on whole grains, but eating a number of different grains is the best way to take in a wide range of nutrients. Stuck on wheat, oats and rice? Try adding other grains to your diet: barley, wild rice, quinoa and spelt are some delicious options. Here are some recipes to try:

• Apple Spelt Cake
• Curried Lentil, Wild Rice and Orzo Salad
• Greek Quinoa Salad
• Two-Mushroom Barley Soup

Watch your posture
Are you slouching in front of your computer, head jutted forward and shoulders rounded? Well, sit up! Hours spent in front of the computer take their toll on your back and neck. Health Tips for March - Celebrate The Warmer Recommend if you must spend your days glued to your chair (and many of us, sadly, must), make sure to get up regularly to stretch and give your body a break.

Please my previous posting : Health Tips for Senior - Staying Healthy Over 50
Also some related post : Health Tips for Spring

Health Tips for Senior - Staying Healthy Over 50

Monday, May 26, 2014

Health Tips for Senior - Staying Healthy Over 50 and How to Feel Young and Live Life to the Fullest.

Staying healthy and feeling your best is important at any age and that does not change just because you have a few more grey hairs. As we grow older, we experience an increasing number of major life changes, including career changes and retirement, children leaving home, the loss of loved ones, and physical changes. How we handle and grow from these changes is the key to staying healthy. These tips can help you maintain your physical and emotional health and live life to the fullest, whatever your age.

Formula for staying healthy over 50
Coping with change is difficult, no matter how old you are. The particular challenge for adults over 50 is the sheer number of changes and transitions that start to occur including children moving away, the loss of parents, friends, and other loved ones, changes to or the end of your career, declining health, and even loss of independence. It’s natural to feel those losses. But if that sense of loss is balanced with positive ingredients, you have a formula for staying healthy as you age.

Healthy aging means continually reinventing yourself as you pass through landmark ages such as 60, 70, 80 and beyond. Health Tips for Senior - Staying Healthy Over 50. It means finding new things you enjoy, learning to adapt to change, staying physically and socially active, and feeling connected to your community and loved ones. Unfortunately, for many, aging brings anxiety and fear instead. How will I take care of myself late in life? What if I lose my spouse? What is going to happen to my mind? However, many of these fears stem from myths about aging that are exaggerated by the media or simply untrue. The truth is that you are stronger and more resilient than you may think.

Frequently Ask Questions About Healthy Aging

Question: Memory loss is an inevitable part of aging?.
Answer: As you age, you may eventually notice you don’t remember things as easily as in the past, or memories may start to take a little longer to retrieve. However, significant memory loss is not an inevitable result of aging. Brain training and new learning can occur at any age and there are many things you can do to keep your memory sharp. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll reap the benefits.

Questions: Aging means declining health and/or disability?.
Answer: There are some diseases that become more common as we age. However, getting older does not automatically mean poor health or that you will be confined to a walker or wheelchair. Plenty of older adults enjoy vigorous health, often better than many younger people. Preventive measures like healthy eating, exercising, and managing stress can help reduce the risk of chronic disease or injuries later in life.

Question: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?.
Answer: One of the more damaging myths of aging is that after a certain age, you just won’t be able to try anything new or contribute things anymore. The opposite is true. Middle aged and older adults are just as capable of learning new things and thriving in new environments, plus they have the wisdom that comes with life experience. If you believe in and have confidence in yourself, you are setting up a positive environment for change no matter what your age.

Tips for coping with change
When your age beyond 50, there will be periods of both joy and stress. It’s important to build your resilience and find healthy ways to cope with challenges. Health Tips for Senior - Staying Healthy Over 50. This ability will help you make the most of the good times and keep your perspective when times are tough.
  • Accept the things you can’t change. Many things in life are beyond our control. Rather than stressing out over them, focus on the things you can control such as the way you choose to react to problems. Face your limitations with dignity and a healthy dose of humor.
  • Acknowledge and express your feelings. You may have a hard time showing emotions, perhaps feeling that such a display is inappropriate and weak. But burying your feelings can lead to anger, resentment, and depression. Don’t deny what you’re going through. Find healthy ways to process your feelings, perhaps by talking with a close friend or writing in a journal.
  • Focus on the things you’re grateful for. The longer you live, the more you lose. But as you lose people and things, life becomes even more precious. When you stop taking things for granted, you appreciate and enjoy what you have even more.
  • Look for the silver lining. As the saying goes, “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” When facing major challenges, try to look at them as opportunities for personal growth. If your own poor choices contributed to a stressful situation, reflect on them and learn from your mistakes.
  • Take daily action to deal with life’s challenges. When a challenge seems too big to handle, sweeping it under the carpet often appears the easiest option. But ignoring the problem doesn’t make it go away; it allows both the problem and your anxiety to build. Instead, take things one small step at a time. Even a small step can go a long way to boosting your confidence and reminding you that you are not powerless.

Tips for finding meaning and joy
Health Tips for Senior - Staying Healthy Over 50

The key ingredient in the recipe for healthy aging over 50 is to continue the ability to find meaning and joy in life. When you age, your life will change and you will gradually lose things that previously occupied your time and gave your life purpose. As an example, your job may change, you may eventually retire from your career, your children may leave home, or other friends and family may move far away. But this is not a time to stop moving forward. Later life can be a time of exciting new adventures if you let it.

Finding activities that you enjoy
Everyone has different ways of experiencing meaning and joy, and the activities you enjoy may change over time. If your career slows down or you retire, or if your children leave home, you may find you have more time to enjoy activities outside of work and immediate family. Either way, taking time to nourish your spirit is never wasted.
If you’re not sure where to get started, try some of the following suggestions:
  • Enjoy the arts (visit a museum, go to a concert or a play)
  • Get involved in your community (volunteer or attend a local event)
  • Learn something new (an instrument, a foreign language, a new game)
  • Pick up a long-neglected hobby or try a new hobby
  • Play with your grand kids, nieces, nephews, or a favorite pet
  • Spend time in nature (take a scenic hike, go fishing or camping, enjoy a ski trip)
  • Take a class or join a club
  • The possibilities are endless. The important thing is to find activities that are both meaningful and enjoyable for you.
  • Travel somewhere new or go on a weekend trip to a place you have never visited
  • Write your memoirs or a play about your life experiences

Staying healthy through humor, laughter, and play
Laughter is strong medicine for both the body and the mind. It helps you stay balanced, energetic, joyful, and healthy at any age. The sense of humor helps you get through tough times, look outside yourself, laugh at the absurdities of life, and transcend difficulties.

Tips for staying connected
Health Tips for Senior - Staying Healthy Over 50

One of the greatest challenges of aging is how your support network changes. Staying connected is not always easy as you grow older even for those who have always had an active social life. Health Tips for Senior - Staying Healthy Over 50 - Career changes, retirement, illness, death, and moves out of the local area can take away close friends and family members. And the older you get, the more people you inevitably lose. In later life, getting around may become difficult for either you or members of your social network.

It’s important to find ways to reach out and connect to others, regardless of whether or not you live with a spouse or partner. Having an array of people you can turn to for company and support as you age is a buffer against loneliness, depression, disability, hardship, and loss.

The good news is that there are lots of ways to be with other people. It does not matter what you do, so long as you get out of the house (if possible) and socialize:
  • Connect regularly with friends and family. Spend time with people you enjoy and who make you feel upbeat. It may be a neighbor who you like to exercise with, a lunch date with an old friend, or shopping with your children. Even if you are not close by, call or email frequently to keep relationships fresh.
  • Find support groups in times of change. If you or a loved one is coping with a serious illness or recent loss, it can be very helpful to participate in a support group with others undergoing the same challenges.
  • Make an effort to make new friends. As you lose people in your circle, it is vital to make new connections so your circle does not dwindle. Make it a point to befriend people who are younger than you. Younger friends can re energize you and help you see life from a fresh perspective.
  • Spend time with at least one person every day. Whatever your living or work situation, you should not be alone day after day. Phone or email contact is not a replacement for spending time with other people. Regular face-to-face contact helps you ward off depression and stay positive.
  • Volunteer. Giving back to the community is a wonderful way to strengthen social bonds and meet others, and the meaning and purpose you find in helping others will enrich and expand your life. Volunteering is a natural way to meet others interested in similar activities or who share similar values. Even if your monbility becomes limited, you can get involved by volunteering on the phone.

Tips for boosting vitality
Don’t fall for the myth that growing older automatically means you’re not going to feel good anymore. Health Tips for Senior - Staying Healthy Over 50. It is true that aging involves physical changes, but it does not have to mean discomfort and disability. While not all illness or pain is avoidable, many of the physical challenges associated with aging can be overcome or drastically mitigated by eating right, exercising, and taking care of yourself.

It’s never too late to start! No matter how old you are or how unhealthy you have been in the past, caring for your body has enormous benefits that will help you stay active, sharpen your memory, boost your immune system, manage health problems, and increase your energy. In fact, many older adults report feeling better than ever because they are making more of an effort to be healthy than they did when they were younger.

Tips for eating well as you age
As you age, your relationship to food may change along with your body. A decreased metabolism, changes in taste and smell, and slower digestion may affect your appetite, the foods you can eat, and how your body processes food. The key is to figure out how to adapt to your changing needs. Now, more than ever, healthy eating is important to maintain your energy and health.
  • Load up on high-fiber fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Your whole digestive system does slow as you age, so fiber is very important. Consume fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, fruit, and vegetables. They will help you feel more energetic and give you fuel to keep going.
  • Make meals a social event. It’s more enjoyable to eat with others than alone. If you live alone, invite other people over. It’s a great way to stay in touch with friends and you can share cooking and cleanup duties.
  • Put effort into making your food look and taste good. Your taste buds may not be as strong and your appetite may not be the same, but your nutritional needs are just as important as ever. If you don’t enjoy eating like you used to, put a little more effort into your meals, including the way you flavor, prepare, and present your food.
  • Watch out for dehydration. Because of physical changes, older adults are more prone to dehydration. So make sure you are drinking plenty of fluid, even if you don’t feel thirsty. If you’re not getting enough water, you’re not going to be as sharp and your energy will suffer.

Tips for exercising as you age
Health Tips for Senior - Staying Healthy Over 50

Many adults don’t exercise as they get older. However, exercise is vital for staying healthy throughout life. It helps you maintain your strength and agility, gives your mental health a boost, and can even help diminish chronic pain. Whether you are generally healthy or are coping with an ongoing injury, disability, or health problem, regular exercise will help you stay physically and mentally healthy and improve your confidence and outlook on life.
  • Start slow. If you are new to exercise, a few minutes a day puts you well on the way towards building a healthy habit. Slowly increase the time and intensity to avoid injury.
  • Find an activity you like and that motivates you to continue. You may want to exercise in a group, like in a sport or class, or prefer a more individual exercise like swimming.
  • Walking is a wonderful way to start exercising. Exercise does not have to mean strenuous activity or time at the gym. In fact, walking is one of the best ways to stay fit. Best of all, it does not require any equipment or experience and you can do it anywhere.
  • Check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. Find out if any health conditions or medications you take affect what exercise you should choose.

Tips for sleeping well as you age
Health Tips for Senior - Staying Healthy Over 50

Many adults complain of sleep problems as they age, including insomnia, daytime sleepiness, and frequent waking during the night. But getting older does not automatically bring sleep problems. Health Tips for Senior - Staying Healthy Over 50 said poor sleep habits are often the main causes of low quality sleep in adults over 50.
  • Develop bedtime rituals. A soothing ritual, like taking a bath or playing music will help you wind down.
  • Go to bed earlier. Adjust your bedtime to match when you feel tired, even if that’s earlier than it used to be.
  • Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and cool, and your bed is comfortable. Noise, light, and heat can interfere with sleep. Try using an eye mask to help block out light.
  • Naturally boost your melatonin levels at night. Artificial lights at night can suppress your body’s production of melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy. Use low-wattage bulbs where safe to do so, and turn off the TV and computer at least one hour before bed.

Tips for keeping your mind sharp
There are many good reasons for keeping your brain as active as your body. Keeping your brain active and maintaining creativity actually may help to prevent cognitive decline and memory problems. The more you use and sharpen your brain, the more benefits you will get. This is especially true if your career no longer challenges you or if you've retired from work altogether.
  • Take on a completely new subject. Taking on a new subject is a great way to continue to learn. Have you always wanted to learn a different language? Learn new computer skills? Learn to play golf? There are many inexpensive classes at community centers or community colleges that allow you to tackle new subjects. Volunteering is also a great way to learn about a new area. Taking classes and volunteering is a great way to boost social connections, which is another brain strengthener.
  • Try variations on what you know. For some people, it might be games. Other people may enjoy puzzles or trying out new cooking recipes. Find something that you enjoy and continue to try new variations and challenges. If you like crosswords, move to a more challenging crossword series or try your hand at a new word game. If you like to cook, try a completely different type of food, or try baking if you’ve mostly been cooking over the stove.
  • Work something new in each day. You don’t have to work elaborate crosswords or puzzles to keep your memory sharp. Try to work in something new each day, whether it is taking a different route to work or the grocery store or brushing your teeth with a different hand.

Health Tips for College Student - Personal Health and Wellness

Health Tips for College Student - Personal Health and Wellness. Between exams, papers and maintaining an active social life, many college students feel they can't really find the time to keep up on their personal health and wellness until an illness catches hold and stops them in their tracks. With most colleges providing health care and endless physical activities for students, staying healthy in college is about as easy as it will ever get. Here are a few tips to help students make the most of the resources at their fingertips and to ensure they stay healthy and illness free throughout their education.

Fitting exercise into a busy schedule isn't always the easiest thing, but take stock of some of these tips to help you get on track to fitness.
Health Tips for College Student - Personal Health and Wellness

  • Take advantage of open spaces. Most colleges are equipped with large grassy quads or arboretums with trails you can walk on. Take advantage of these spaces to take hikes, play frisbee or just walk around.
  • Head to the gym. Most schools provide students with gym facilities they can take advantage of for free. Head to the gym between classes or when you get up in the morning to squeeze in a workout.
  • Stretch first. Help yourself avoid injuries by stretching each time you exercise. Simple stretches before and after you work out or engage in physical activity can help keep you active and pain free.
  • Take advantage of fitness courses. Along with gym facilities most students will have access to fitness classes they can take. Since you're already paying for these through your tuition you may as well take advantage and get a workout that will help keep you in shape and motivate you.
  • Ride your bike. Instead of taking the bus or driving to class, try biking instead. It will give you a few minutes of exercise between your courses.
  • Walk to class. While taking public transportation might be quicker, walking will give you a chance to stretch your legs, burn some calories and relax before your next class.
  • Incorporate different kinds of exercise in your routine. When you work out, don't just stick to one kind of workout. Incorporate strength training, cardio and stretching exercises into your routine to make it well rounded.
  • Play a sport. One way to get yourself motivated to exercise is to make it a game by playing a sport. Join an intramural team or play recreational sports through your school to get active and have fun at the same time.
  • Make it fun. You're probably not going to work out if you are bored with your routine or find going to the gym torture. Find a way to make it fun for yourself and you'll be much more likely to keep it up.
  • Bring a friend. With someone else relying on you showing up, you'll be much more likely to make the effort to work out. Plus, working out with a friend can be a great way to make working out more fun.
  • Use safety equipment. No matter what sport you're playing, make sure to always use the proper safety equipment. It will keep you from getting hurt which will allow you to stay active more often.

Without careful attention to your diet, you could end up putting on the freshman 15 and more. Follow these tips to help keep your diet healthy and beneficial.
Health Tips for College Student - Personal Health and Wellness
  • Learn proper portion size. To avoid eating too much of even the healthiest foods, keep track of how much you're eating. For most people, meat servings should be about the size of a deck of cards and other servings vary by the type of food.
  • Vary your meals. When the cafeteria has your favorite foods daily it can be easy to return to those old favorites every day. Changing up your diet from day to day is an important part of good nutrition so take advantage of the variety of selections available to you.
  • Eat breakfast. Start your day off right with a good meal when you get up. Whether you're rolling out of bed at noon or up at the crack of dawn for class, make sure you start your day with a balanced, healthy meal.
  • Keep healthy snacks around. It's easy to eat healthy if you keep the Cheetos at bay and stock your dorm room with fruits and other healthy snacks. You'll be more likely to reach for these than junk food if you keep them nearby or in your backpack.
  • Drink moderately. While college students are known for their partying, you can still have a good time without consuming all the calories that come along with binging on beer, plus you'll avoid the hangovers and other negative effects. Drink in moderation and you can have a good time without hurting your health.
  • Don't fight stress by eating. It can be tempting to reach for a bag of chips or some cookies when you're stressed out about an impending exam. Eating won't help your stress go away, so avoid filling up on snacks. Try working out or taking a break instead.
  • Drink water. Drinking enough water can help boost your concentration as well as keep you from overeating. Make sure to keep hydrated as you go through your day by bringing water with you.
  • Limit sugary and caffeinated beverages. Beverages may not fill you up, but they sure can help fatten you up and have a detrimental effect on your overall health. You don't have to completely give up soda and coffee, but you should scale back in order to keep yourself in tip top shape.
  • Try to eat fruits and veggies. Even if fruits and vegetables don't comprise some of your favorite foods, try to incorporate at least a few of them into your diet each day.
  • Limit junk food. Junk food is fast and easy and many students end up eating a lot of it while they're on the run to class or to work. While a little fast food now and again won't really hurt you, make sure it doesn't become a habit.
  • Make it convenient to eat right. Don't make it hard for yourself to eat right. Buy healthy foods and stock your fridge and room with them to ensure they're the first things at hand when you get hungry.
  • Don't skip meals. With so much to do, it's easy to forgo eating to run off to class or the library. Don't skip meals. Set up foods you can eat on the run so you'll have the energy to keep going.
  • Indulge every once in awhile. A little treat now and then is a great way to reward yourself for eating a healthy diet. Give yourself a break and indulge in a food you love but can't eat all the time.
  • Take vitamins. If you feel like you aren't getting the nutrition you need from your diet, don't hesitate to supplement it with some multi-vitamins to stay healthy and illness free.
  • Get help for eating disorders. While many groups focus on helping students lose weight, there are those who need help fighting eating disorders as well. If you are worried you have an eating disorder and want help, don't be afraid to reach out to campus resources for help.

Students can get run down with so much going on. These tips can help you beat the stress.
Health Tips for College Student - Personal Health and Wellness
  • Learn time management skills. Time management skills will make everything from getting assignments done to managing work a lot easier. Read a book or check out advice on the internet, to help you better manage the hours of your day.
  • Create a routine. If you get yourself in the habit of studying, working out, and sleeping at certain hours, it will be easier to fit in all the things you need to do in a day without feeling too stressed out.
  • Put limits on work hours. You can't work all the time-fun and relaxation have to be part of your routine as well. Limit the times when you will work to give yourself time to sleep and rest up so you won't get sick.
  • Understand you can't do everything. While you might want to go to class, work, play a sport, and participate in clubs and social activities, the reality is that sooner or later you're going to get run down by trying to do so much. Focus on doing the things you truly love and forget about the rest.
  • Be realistic. Sometimes there's just no way you're going to get done everything you'd like to in one day. Be realistic about your goals and understand that you can only do so much.
  • Give yourself plenty of time. It's easy to put off starting on a big project or studying for a test until the last minute. You'll be much less stressed out, however, and will likely do better if you give yourself more time to work on it.
  • Give yourself a break. If you've been working steadily for hours, give your eyes and mind a chance for a rest by taking a break. You can come back feeling more refreshed and ready to go.
  • Don't let yourself get run down. With so much to do, it's easy to get run down. If you feel yourself getting stretched too thin, take a step back and evaluate everything you've got going on to determine what's really important.
  • Cut back if needed. Sometimes students overwhelm themselves with everything they have going on. If you're feeling like you've got too much on your plate, cut back work hours, drop a class or cut out some extracurricular activities to make your schedule more manageable.
  • Get help. If you're feeling overwhelmed, reach out and ask for help from professors and friends. They may be able to give you more time or help you to complete projects and studying more quickly.
  • Relax with hobbies. Whether you like to paint or to destroy aliens with your friends in video games, making time for the things you love is an important part of keeping yourself from getting too stressed out.
  • Take advantage of campus meditation and yoga programs. Many campuses are equipped with programs that can help students get a release from their stresses through a relaxing session of meditation.
  • Spend time with friends. There are few things that can cheer you up like being around the people you like most. Eat dinner with friends or just hang out and watch tv or take a walk to get away from the stress of homework.

    College students aren't exactly known for their early to bed early to rise attitudes, but getting sleep is an integral part of staying healthy. Health Tips for College Student - Personal Health and Wellness. Check out these tips to help you make sure you're resting enough.
    Health Tips for College Student - Personal Health and Wellness

    • Don't work in bed. Working in bed can make getting to sleep harder. Keep your work space separate from your sleep space to keep insomnia at bay.
    • Work out bedtimes with roommates. When sharing a room with someone it can be hard to go to bed when you need to and not get woken up when you don't want to. Try to work with your roomies to make sure you each get the sleep you need.
    • Understand that lack of sleep can have a big impact. Lack of sleep doesn't just make you cranky, it can also reduce your ability to concentrate and to excel at class, so try to get as much sleep as you need.
    • Stick to a schedule. With different classes and work hours each day, it can be hard to stick to a schedule, but keeping sleep times similar from day to day can greatly improve your chances of getting a good night's sleep.
    • Create a bedtime routine. If you have trouble falling asleep at night you can help yourself by creating a routine that will let your mind and body know that bedtime is approaching and that it should get into sleep mode. After a few weeks of practice this should help you fall asleep when you need to.
    • Take a nap. If you have the time during the day, a short nap can do wonders for your energy levels. Just make sure not to nap too close to bedtime or for too long, and a nap will do your body good.
    • Keep your room dark and quiet. While college campuses are hardly either, try to keep your room as dark, quiet and cool as possible. This will help trigger to your body that it's time for bed and help you get and stay asleep.
    • Get a full night's rest whenever possible. While the amount of sleep each person needs varies, most people need 7-9 hours to feel fully rested. While this may not be possible every night, try to sleep a full night whenever you get the chance.
    • Avoid caffeine, eating and drinking right before bed. All of these activities can throw off your body's internal clock, so try to limit meals, alcohol and caffeine consumption to a few hours before bed.
    • Avoid all nighters. While you may feel like you need to study all night to do well you might be doing yourself a disservice. Not getting enough sleep can impair your ability to do well, regardless of how much you've studied, so make sure you get at least a little sleep before your big test.

    Sexual Health
    College is a place where many students choose to explore their sexuality. Health Tips for College Student - Personal Health and Wellness explain most students can do this safely by following these tips.
    • Take advantage of vaccinations. Many schools now offer the HPV vaccination. Female students can take advantage of these to reduce their chance of contracting the HPV virus, the leading cause of almost all cervical cancers.
    • Always use protection. Unless you are in a long-term, monogamous relationship with a partner who has been confirmed STD-free, always make sure to use protection to prevent the risk of contracting a disease.
    • Get tested. Protect your sexual health by getting tested for STDs annually or even more frequently. Most schools offer these tests for free or at a low cost, so all students, even those with small incomes, can afford the tests.
    • Find someone to talk to. Many students in college have questions about their sexuality and some even feel confused. It helps to find someone you can trust to talk to in order to help you find some direction and figure out who you really are.
    • Don't do anything you're not comfortable with. While you may feel pressure from a partner or even those around you to engage in certain sexual activities, never do anything you aren't completely comfortable with. It's your body and you are in charge, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

    • Discuss issues with your partner. Sex shouldn't be painful or scary. If you are nervous or uncomfortable with any element of your sexual relationship, make sure to bring these things up with your partner or health care provider to ensure things are emotionally and physically ok.
    • Attend informational classes. Most colleges offer classes that discuss sexual issues, so you can educate yourself and learn to stay healthy and happy.
    • Get regular exams. Whether you're male or female, getting your equipment checked out regularly is a must. Women can get breast exams and pap smears that can greatly reduce their risk of cancer.

    With communal living and thousands of other students sharing classroom space, spreading colds and viruses is easy if you're not careful. These tips can help keep you from getting sick.
    • Keep immunizations up to date. While most students will have been immunized as a child, some shots may need to be updated when you enter college. Make sure yours are up to date to keep you from contracting a serious illness.
    • Drink lots of fluids. Colds and flu can wreck havoc on your body, often depriving it of much needed fluids. Replenish these by drinking plenty of water or energy drinks when you're ill.
    • Avoid sharing beverages. Germs are easily spread through the sharing of drinks, alcoholic or otherwise, so get your own and avoid sharing with friends.
    • Wash your hands. Studies have shown that simple hand washing can help prevent a large number of illnesses. So wash your hands, especially any time you'll be touching your nose, mouth or eyes or if you've been around others who are sick.
    • Don't touch your eyes, nose or mouth. If your hands aren't totally clean, try to avoid touching these areas. The membranes in these areas make it easy for bacteria and viruses to enter your body.
    • Avoid ill friends. If your friend is sick, try to avoid spending too much time around them. While bringing soup or medications won't hurt, touching ill friends and their stuff can increase your chances of getting sick yourself.
    • Don't go to class. If you're sick, don't force yourself to go to class. It will only make you feel worse and infect other students. Email your professors that you're ill and stay home and rest.
    • Wear flip flops in the shower. Dorm bathrooms are generally cleaned daily, but can become dirty quickly with so many students sharing them. Always make sure to wear sandals in the shower to avoid getting viruses and bacteria that can cause warts and athlete's foot.
    • Try simple over the counter remedies. Most viruses leave you feeling miserable but with no recourse in medications that can make them go away. Try out over the counter remedies to help ease your symptoms.
    • Get a flu shot. With so many germs around, sometimes getting a flu shot is the best thing you can do to avoid getting sick. Many colleges offer these for reduced prices so students can get vaccinated for little out of pocket expense.
    • Get to the doctor. If you have symptoms that aren't showing any signs of clearing up within a few days, you may need to take a trip to the campus clinic or your doctor. Simple illnesses can mutate into much more deadly and dangerous ones if left alone so make sure to seek help if you aren't feeling any better.

    Mental Health
    Health Tips for College Student - Personal Health and Wellness. College students are in a high risk group for depression, so make sure you keep yourself happy and healthy with these simple tips.

    • Build on your confidence. If you know you're good at certain things build on the confidence you take from these activities rather than concentrating on your faults.
    • Don't let stress get the best of you. Stress can be a major factor in many students' depression. If you're feeling stressed out make sure to take a break and set aside time to relax.
    • Know the signs of depression. It can be hard to differentiate a simple slump from serious depression so learn the signs of depression not only for your own benefit but for the benefit of your friends as well.
    • Get involved on campus. Joining clubs and social groups on campus can help you to meet new friends and keep you from feeling lonely or isolated.
    • Volunteer. Sometimes volunteering can give you a sense of satisfaction you can't get from work or class work, so get out there and help others in your community.
    • Build new friendships. A big part of the college experience is meeting new people and forming new friendships so get out there and meet new people whenever possible.
    • Don't be afraid to ask for help. Many people feel embarrassed or ashamed to ask for help with their depression but this is unnecessary as it's a common and treatable problem that you don't have to deal with alone. Tap into campus resources to find help or tell a friend how you're feeling.
    • Understand that it may take time to fit in. Most people don't make best friends on the first day of college. It takes time to build friendships, so don't get discouraged if you don't fit in right away.
    • Keep in touch with family and friends. You can help beat homesickness and loneliness by keeping in touch with friends and family members.
    • Find strength in numbers. You may have an easier time feeling good and fitting in if you find a group of students who share similar interests and values as you.
    • Realize you don't have to please everyone. There is no way that you can make everyone happy all the time. Concentrate on making yourself happy first and you'll cut out lots of stress and hassle from your life.
    • Expect things to change. Things will change both at home and in your school life, so expect things to change over time. You will grow and so will the people around you.
    • Set goals. You'll be more motivated and positive if you give yourself goals to work towards throughout the school year.

    • Here are a few other tips to keep you a healthy and active college student. Health Tips for College Student - Personal Health and Wellness.
    • Make sure you have emergency contacts. In case something does happen to you, make sure that the school and those around you know who to contact to get those you care about to you when you need their support.
    • Ensure that your medical insurance covers physicians in the area. If you aren't going with your school's insurance plan, make sure that your parent's or your own insurance covers doctors in your area.
    • Quit smoking. No matter how much you may love the sweet thrill of a nicotine rush, the reality is that smoking just isn't good for you or anyone around you. Quit as soon as you can to save your lungs, heart, teeth and years of your life.
    • Wear sunscreen. College kids on spring break aren't usually the first to whip out huge tubes of sunscreen to slather on. While getting a tan may prove you spent your break on a beach, it can also be a source of skin cancer, so make sure to protect yourself.
    • Don't drink and drive. If you drink, make sure not to get behind the wheel. Call a cab or get a sober friend to take you home instead.
    • Monitor existing health conditions carefully. If you leave for college knowing you have a pre-existing medical condition, make arrangements to ensure that it's properly monitored while you're at school.
    • Be aware that health concerns differ for men and women. While men and women's anatomy is similar in many ways, some things that seem like they should be the same simply aren't. Educate yourself on the sex-specific aspects of wellness to keep yourself healthier and to know what to watch out for.
    • Assert yourself. Don't let anyone make health or wellness decisions for you that you feel uncomfortable with. If you don't want to eat that donut or have a drink, then don't.
    • Keep backpacks from being too heavy. An overfilled backpack can hurt your back and leave you with some serious back and shoulder pain later. Make sure your backpack is properly fitted and avoid carrying around more than you need.
    • Avoid walking to class in flip flops. While they may keep your feet cool and look good with your summer wardrobe, few flip flops provide the support needed for your feet. If you are walking long distances, it's best to leave the sandals at home and avoid the arch pain and pinching associated with them.
    Please also check my previous posting Health Tips for Spring - Recharge The Body and Mind

    Health Tips for Spring - Recharge The Body and Mind

    Health Tips for Spring -  Recharge The Body and Mind. With Spring around the corner, it is time to recharge the body and mind for the next season. Here are some activities good for your health.

    Consider Becoming an Early Bird
    Studies have shown that people who wake up earlier are healthier than those night owls who snooze the morning away. Taking advantage of the morning light will also give you a good dose of needed vitamin D. And you'll get a leg up on symptoms of depression.

    Get in the Garden
    Health Tips for Spring -  Recharge The Body and Mind

    Not only does it make your landscaping pretty, but gardening also burns approximately 250 to 350 calories an hour. For optimal health benefits, doing garden three times a week for an hour at a time. Anything that makes you sweat eg. mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, hauling mulch qualifies as exercise. Rotate the tasks for every 20 minutes or so to give all your major muscle groups a workout and to avoid over straining one set of muscles.

    Start Thinking About Allergy Season
    If you know you are prone to sniffles and sneezes as the weather warms up, now is the time to stock up on allergy medications. Health Tips for Spring -  Recharge The Body and Mind suggest that you will still need to see your doctor if you take nasal steroids or other prescription-only drugs to ease your allergies.

    Get Dirty
    Health Tips for Spring -  Recharge The Body and Mind

    Let you and your kids get dirty, too. Getting dirty can be exposure to common bacteria, and common bacteria are good for you. When they routinely inhabit our bodies, they can produce vitamins and proteins we need and help make our immune and gastrointestinal systems work.

    Take a Walk During Your Lunch Hour
    Health Tips for Spring -  Recharge The Body and Mind. Not only will it give you a chance to stop and smell the daffodils; a walk will also get you away from your desk and provide that moderate exercise doctors keep recommending.

    Cleanup Your Makeup Drawer
    Health Tips for Spring -  Recharge The Body and Mind

    Like most products, cosmetics expire. So while you're cleaning out your medicine cabinet, toss out that tube of mascara, that concealer container, and any other makeup you've had so long you can not remember when you bought it. This way, you will be able to minimize your risk of eye infections or bacteria-induced breakouts.

    Think Global, Eat Local
    Investigate community-supported agriculture. Health Tips for Spring -  Recharge The Body and Mind. When you sign up for weekly deliveries or pickups, you get access to in-season fresh vegetables, fruits, flowers, and eggs while local farmers get a guaranteed income base.

    Trade Flip-Flops for Foot-Friendly Kicks
    Health Tips for Spring -  Recharge The Body and Mind

    Each year, as summer approaches, experts warn against those rubbery thongs. While convenient, they're flimsy, making wearers more susceptible to injuries like stubbed toes, rolled or sprained ankles, tendinitis, blistering, arch pain, and stress fractures.

    Change Your Pillows
    Some experts estimate that, after five years, up to 10 percent of a pillow's weight is made up of allergy- or asthma-provoking bacteria, pollen, fungi, mold, and dust mites. Disgusting, yes, so take steps to allergy proof pillows with protective covers that seal out allergens, and wash pillowcases with hot water weekly. Can't remember when you bought your pillows? Health Tips for Spring -  Recharge The Body and Mind recommend tossing them out every three to five years.

    Sign Up Your Kids for Swimming Lessons
    Drowning is the leading cause of accidents and deaths in children. But kids aren't ready for formal swim instruction until they're 4 years old, Until then, never allow babies or toddlers near a pool unsupervised not even for a minute. Take note that most drownings occur in kids under 2 years old.

    Read my previous post: Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods
    Also related to this post: Health Tips for March - Celebrate The Warmer

    Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods

    Sunday, May 25, 2014

    Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods said that men are different from women in all kinds of ways that is including their nutritional needs. Just like women need particular nutrients during pregnancy or for protection from breast cancer, men also need nutrients that can help them maintain muscle mass, prevent prostate cancer, and many more.

    Many foods that tend to be favorites among men are not the best choices for good health. A healthy diet and regular physical activity will help prevent heart disease and cancer, the No. 1 and No. 2 killers for men over 35. They can also enhance performance, from the board room to the bedroom. Some food also good for the cardiovascular system which is good for erectile function in men.

    Nutrients that are good for the heart improve circulation to all parts of the body, and these same nutrients provide a layer of protection against cancer and other chronic diseases

    Quality nutrients are also critical for maintaining immune function and preventing bone loss, muscle loss, and oxidative damage from the environment, Of course, any one (or 10) foods can't do the job alone. An overall healthy lifestyle, which also includes not smoking and getting regular physical activity, is what's really important for health, say the experts.

    It is not about one single food or even a handful of foods. What is more important is the pattern of regularly consuming a diet rich in a variety of essential nutrients

    Still, adding nutrient-rich super foods to the diet, as well as taking a daily multivitamin designed exclusively for men (for nutritional insurance), can give men's nutrition a boost, says Dave Grotto, RD, an American Dietetic Association spokesman.

    Here is disease-fighting list foods that can be a good start to improving health:

    Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods

    Could there be something to the legend that oysters are the food of love? Well, it's true that just a few oysters each day will deliver a full day's supply of the antioxidant mineral zinc. Zinc is involved in hundreds of body processes, from producing DNA to repairing cells.

    Research shows that adequate zinc may protect against cellular damage that leads to prostate cancer. Sexual functioning of the male reproductive system, including increased sperm counts, is also enhanced with zinc

    You can also get your daily recommended dose of 11 milligrams a day by eating other shellfish, lean beef, lean pork, or legumes.

    Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods

    Bananas are a great portable source of quick energy and are rich in potassium, which is needed to regulate nerves, heartbeat and, especially, blood pressure. Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods. Diets rich in potassium and magnesium (which is also found in bananas) can reduce the risk of stroke.

    As a super source of vitamin B-6, bananas can also aid your immune system, help form red blood cells, ensure a well-functioning nervous system, and assist protein metabolism. So enjoy a banana each day, at breakfast on your whole grain-cereal or before your workout at the gym.

    Don't like a banana fan? Orange juice, milk, tomato products, and beans are other good sources of dietary potassium.

    Fatty Fish
    Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods

    No list of super foods would be complete without the healthy fat, omega-3 fatty acids. These polyunsaturated fats are the preferred form of fats in your diet for many reasons. They can benefit the heart, circulation, and immune system and reduce the risk for prostate cancer, among other things.

    Omega-3 fatty acids are potent anti-inflammatory foods that can help lower triglyceride [blood fat] levels, reduce aches and pains in athletes, and offer relief with certain kinds of arthritis

    Fatty fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, herring) are the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids. In fact the American Heart Association recommends that everyone eat fish twice weekly.

    You can also get omega-3s in plant-based foods, like flax seed, walnuts, soy, canola oil, and fortified products such as eggs. But there are other good reasons to eat fish.

    Fatty fish are also a good source of vitamin D, a nutrient that tends to be deficient in our diets and [which] in adequate supply can help prevent cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and bone disease,

    Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods

    While virtually all vegetables deserve a place on the superfoods list, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are helpful in the prevention of heart disease and cancer. It's loaded with vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, and a phytochemical called sulphoraphane, which has strong anticancer (prostate and colon) properties.

    A recent Harvard study found that participants who had five servings a week of cruciferious vegetables were half as likely as others to develop bladder cancer, a cancer that affects two to three times as many men as women. This super-nutritious green vegetable may also help lower levels of homocycteine, an amino acid associated with increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

    Not broccoli fans? Go for other cruciferous choices like cabbage, bok choy, shredded broccoli slaw, cabbage, cauliflower, or Brussels sprouts.

    And did you ever wonder where the term "cruciferous" originates? "It is not because they are crunchy vegetables, but when the buds from this group of vegetables sprouts, their leaves form a cross like a crucifix,"

    Brazil Nuts
    Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods

    These large nuts from Brazil are packed with magnesium and selenium, powerful antioxidants that may help prevent heart disease and cancer and protect prostate health.

    Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods explain selenium also helps lower LDL or "bad" cholesterol and reduces the incidence of blood clots and heart disease.

    Grotto recommends adults get 55 micrograms of selenium daily from Brazil nuts, dry-roasted nuts, turkey, tuna, or shellfish. Indeed, you can get your daily dose of selenium in just one Brazil nut. In fact, Bauer cautions limiting yourself to no more than two Brazil nuts per day because "they are so loaded and concentrated with selenium that you don't want to overdose." Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods.

    Whole Grains
    Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods

    Most men get enough carbs in their diets, but they tend to be the wrong kind, experts say.

    A diet rich in whole grains provides fiber, vitamins, minerals - all the co-factors for heart health, building muscles, and keeping waistlines small.

    Trying whole grain pasta or quinoa, a trendy, not-so-whole-grain-tasting grain that's rich in lutein for prostate health.

    Oatmeal and barley are rich in soluble fiber, full of B vitamins that can help lower LDL or "bad" cholesterol, and are also good for the prostate. Suzanne Farrell, RD, recommends getting 10-25 grams of soluble fiber a day from oatmeal or other sources of soluble fiber like apples, pears, and beans.

    When buying grain products, look for those whose labels say they have at least 3-5 g fiber per serving.

    To avoid digestive problems, increase your fiber intake gradually, and don't forget to drink plenty of water.

    Plant Stanols
    Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods

    Stanols are naturally occurring substances in fruits and vegetables that have been shown to lower mildly elevated blood cholesterol levels. Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods. Manufacturers are now adding concentrated versions of them to products like margarine, yogurt, orange juice, and granola bars.

    Men should regularly include a total of 2 grams of plant stanols, taken in two doses with meals, to help inhibit absorption of cholesterol in the intestine.

    By having 2-3 teaspoons of plant stanol spreads such as Benecol, or 16 ounces of stanol-fortified orange juice per day. Plant stanols can safely be used with cholesterol lowering medication.

    Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods

    Soy is rich in isoflavones, which protect prostate health and have been shown to lower prostate cancer risk,

    And "according to a recent study, eating 25 grams or about 1 ounce of soy protein a day can help decrease cholesterol,"

    The FDA has approved a health claim for food labels that says having 25 grams of soy protein per day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

    Try to eat a few servings a day of soy products, such as soy nuts, soy milk, soy cheese, veggie burgers, tofu, or edamame.

    Berries or Cherries
    Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods

    The violet, blue, and red colors in all kinds of berries and cherries are responsible for the healthy properties of these fruits. These little jewels are chock-full of the health-protecting flavonoid, anthocyanin.

    Berries contain over 4,000 different compounds that have antioxidant properties beyond vitamin C, so make sure you include these delicious and low-calorie fruits to help meet your 5+ servings of fruits each day,

    Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods Recommend adding berries to the diet may even help slow the decline in brain function that can occur with aging.

    Large studies show the more produce you eat the better, but specifically berries (blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, and cherries) can enhance brain function and keep your brain healthy,

    Red-Orange Vegetables
    Health Tips for Men - Male's Health Improvement Foods

    Vitamin C and beta-carotene are antioxidants that help preserve healthy skin cells and prevent oxidation from the sun.

    Vitamin C is involved in collagen production, Beta-carotene converts to the active form of vitamin A, which helps to repair epithelial or skin cells.

    Some recommends getting these nutrients from red bell peppers (just one has 300% of the recommended daily value for vitamin C), carrots, pumpkin, or sweet potatoes.

    But for that matter, just about any vegetable should be on the list of top foods for men (and women). Dark, leafy greens and any nutrient-rich vegetable can help reduce the risk of enlarged prostates,

    Men whose diets are high in nutrients found in vegetables like vitamin C, beta-carotene, and potassium - were found to be less likely to develop benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or enlarged prostate.

    Read my previous post Health Tips for Kids - Healthy Eating

    Health Tips for Kids - Healthy Eating

    Saturday, May 24, 2014

    It's no surprise that parents might need some help understanding what it means to eat healthy. From the Health Tips for Kids - Healthy Eating update the latest food fad, it can be awfully confusing.

    The good news is that you don't need a degree in nutrition to raise healthy kids. Following some basic guidelines can help you encourage your kids to eat right and maintain a healthy weight.

    Here are some rules to be imply:

    Parents must control the supplies. 
    Health Tips for Kids - Healthy Eating

    You (parents) decide which foods to buy and when to serve them. The kids will alaways pester their parents for less nutritious foods, as an adults should be in charge when deciding which foods are regularly stocked in the house. Kids won't go hungry. They'll eat what's available in the cupboard and fridge at home. If their favorite snack isn't all that nutritious, you can still buy it once in a while so they don't feel deprived.

    Offer kids to choose what they will eat or whether to eat at all.
    Health Tips for Kids - Healthy Eating explained that kids need to have some say in the matter. Schedule regular meal and snack times. From the selections you offer, let them choose what to eat and how much of it they want. This may seem like a little too much freedom. But if you follow step 1, your kids will be choosing only from the foods you buy and serve.

    Clean-plate Rule
    Let kids stop eating when they feel they've had enough. Lots of parents grew up under the clean-plate rule, but that approach doesn't help kids listen to their own bodies when they feel full. When kids notice and respond to feelings of fullness, they're less likely to overeat.

    Don't force it but offer a few bites
    Food preferences are developed early in life, so offer many varieties. Health Tips for Kids - Healthy Eating. Likes and dislikes begin forming even when kids are babies. You may need to serve a new food on several different occasions for a child to accept it. Don't force a child to eat, but offer a few bites. With older kids, ask them to try one bite.

    Try something new
    Who says kids only want to eat hot dogs, pizza, burgers, and macaroni and cheese? When eating out, let your kids try new foods and they might surprise you with their willingness to experiment. You can start by letting them try a little of whatever you ordered or ordering an appetizer for them to try.

    Best Drinks.
    Health Tips for Kids - Healthy Eating

    Soda and other sweetened drinks add extra calories and get in the way of good nutrition. Health Tips for Kids - Healthy Eating. Water and milk are the best drinks for kids. Juice is fine when it's 100%, but kids don't need much of it approximately 4 to 6 ounces a day is enough for preschoolers.

    Occasional sweets.
    Health Tips for Kids - Healthy Eating

    Occasional sweets are fine, but don't turn dessert into the main reason for eating dinner. When dessert is the prize for eating dinner, kids naturally place more value on the cupcake than the broccoli. Try to stay neutral about foods.

    Different way to show love.
    Find better ways to say "I love you." When foods are used to reward kids and show affection, they may start using food to cope with stress or other emotions. Health Tips for Kids - Healthy Eating recommend to offer them hugs, praise, and attention instead of food treats. Kids do as you do. Be a role model and eat healthy yourself. When trying to teach good eating habits, try to set the best example possible. Choose nutritious snacks, eat at the table, and don't skip meals.

    Limit TV and computer time.
    Health Tips for Kids - Healthy Eating

    When you do, you'll avoid mindless snacking and encourage activity. Research has shown that kids who cut down on TV watching also reduced their percentage of body fat. When TV and computer time are limited, they will find more active things to do. And limiting "screen time" means you will have more time to be active together.

    Check previous article Health Tips for Teens - Good Nutrition

    Health Tips for Teens - Good Nutrition

    Health Tips for Teens - Good Nutrition. Good nutrition is essential for everyone, but it’s especially important for growing teenagers.

    From some survey, teenage boys and girls aged 14 to 16 ate only half the recommended serves of fruits and vegetables per day. One in three adolescents buys unhealthy take away food every day. If you eat take away food regularly, you are more likely to put on weight than if you eat fast food only occasionally.

    It may require some extra effort to change your eating habits, but even a few simple changes will make a huge difference. You will feel better and may find easily managing your weight easier.

    Avoid Junk food 
    Health Tips for Teens - Good Nutrition

    Many teenagers eat junk food every day. Health Tips for Teens - Good Nutrition. This might be sugar-sweetened drinks like fizzy drinks and high-kilo joule snacks like potato chips. However, your body can not run properly on poor fuel.

    Compared to home-cooked food, junk food (which includes fast food) is almost always:
    • higher in fat, particularly saturated fat
    • higher in salt
    • higher in sugar
    • lower in fibre
    • lower in nutrients, such as calcium and iron
    • served in larger portions, which means more kilo joules.
    While a mid-life heart attack might seem too far away to be real, it may surprise you to know that you could have health problems already. A poor diet can cause weight gain, high blood pressure, constipation, fatigue and concentration problems even when you’re young.

    Diet Improvement
    Health Tips for Teens - Good Nutrition

    Health Tips for Teens - Good Nutrition for Teens explain that Small changes can make a big impact. Try to:
    • Cut back on, sugary drinks like soft drinks and energy drinks. Sugar-free versions are okay to drink sometimes, but sugar-free frizzy drinks are still acidic, which can have a negative effect on bone and dental health. Water is the healthiest drink – try adding a slice of lemon, lime or orange for flavour.
    • Keep a fruit bowl stocked at home for fast and low-kilo joule snacks.
    • Eat breakfast every day so you’re less likely to snack on junk food at morning tea. A wholemeal or wholegrain breakfast cereal that is low in sugar served with low-fat milk can provide plenty of vitamins, mineral and fibre. Other fast and healthy options include yoghurt or wholemeal toast.

    Don’t forget lunch or dinner both
    Health Tips for Teens - Good Nutrition

    Help with the cooking and think up new ways to create healthy meals. Health Tips for Teens - Good Nutrition. Make those old family recipes lower in fat by changing the cooking method – for example, grill, stir-fry, bake, boil or microwave, instead of deep frying.
    • Reduce the size of your meals.
    • Don’t add salt to your food.
    • Don’t eat high-fat foods every time you visit a fast food outlet with your friends. Many of the popular fast food chains now have healthier food choices on the menu.
    • Change your meeting place. Rather than meeting up with your friends at the local takeaway shop, suggest a food outlet that serves healthier foods, such as wholemeal rolls with vegetable fillings or sushi.

    Food Perspective
    There are lots of myths about healthy food. Don’t make food choices based on false beliefs. Suggestions include:
    • Compare the prices of junk foods against the price of healthier food options to see that ‘healthy’ doesn’t have to mean ‘expensive’.
    • Experiment with different foods and recipes. You’ll soon discover that a meal cooked with fresh ingredients always beats a limp burger or soggy chips.
    • Try different ‘fast’ options like whole-wheat breakfast cereal, muesli, wholemeal bread, wholegrain muffins, fruit, yoghurt or pasta.
    • Don’t think that your diet has to be ‘all or nothing’. Eating well doesn’t mean you must be a health food freak. A good diet allows for treats occasionally.

    Recommended Eating Place
    Health Tips for Teens - Good Nutrition

    Suggestions include:
    • Lobby your school canteen for healthier food choices.
    • Ask your school canteen to include a range of low-price healthy food choices.
    • Help with the grocery shopping and choose fewer processed foods.
    • Get involved in cooking at home.

    Note Health Tips for Teens - Good Nutrition :
    • A teenager who eats fast food regularly is more likely to put on weight than a teenager who eats fast food only occasionally.
    • A diet consisting of healthy meals and snacks will boost your intake of nutrients such as calcium, which is required for strong bones.
    • Eating well doesn’t mean you must be a health food freak – a good diet allows for your favourite junk foods occasionally.
    Check for my previous article Health Tips for Women - Beating up Stress
