
To relieve the tightness in your head, neck, or shoulders

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

To relieve the tightness in your head, neck, or shoulders, try one or more of these quick techniques:

Relax your muscles. Several times a day or when you become aware of shoulder tension, gently stretch your neck muscles. Drop your shoulders down, let your arms fall loose by your side, slowly rotate your head from side to side, and gently bend your neck so that your head falls forward. Repeat until some of
the tension is released. Use the Stretch Break software on your computer to remind you to stretch and to lead you through several stretches.

Focus on breathing. Take a few moments to focus on inhaling and exhaling slowly; inhale through your nose deeply -- filling the air in your lungs all the way through to your abdomen -- counting slowly to ten, then exhaling in the same manner. Repeat several times.

Use cold and hot together. To soothe and comfort the muscles in the back of the neck and shoulder, try a cold compress followed by a warm compress.

Exercise. One of the most powerful and effective methods for relieving muscle tension is exercise. A brisk walk around the block is a fast and simple way to release some pent-up tension.

Use massage. Knead the muscles along your shoulders, neck, and back of the skull. Gently rub your head, forehead, temples, facial muscles, and jaw to relieve tension. Recreational Sports offers massage services. Schedule an appointment online or in person at RSF.

Watch your caffeine intake. Sometimes a headache is a symptom of “caffeine withdrawal,” the result of regularly consuming too much caffeine, then suddenly decreasing the amount of caffeine consumed. To avoid this type of headache, watch your caffeine intake so that it does not exceed 200 mg a day (about
one to two cups of brewed coffee). If you are trying to cut back on caffeine, decrease the amount you consume gradually over a period of a few days to a week.


Monday, March 17, 2014


· Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Once in the
morning after breakfast and last thing at night before you go to

· Use a toothbrush with soft to medium, multi-tufted, round-ended
nylon bristles and a small to medium sized head.

· Use small circular movements to clean your teeth.

· Change your toothbrush regularly every two to three months or
before if the bristles start to splay.

· Avoid eating sugary snacks in between meals.

· Only drink water or milk in between meals.

· Limit sweet food and fizzy drinks to meal times.

· Remember that even fresh fruit juice and fruit contain their own
natural sugars and acid. Eating cheese after these foods will
neutralise the acid environment in the mouth.


To prevent tension headache

To prevent tension headaches, try one or more of these tips:

Reduce sensory inputs. Take a five minute break every hour or two and close your eyes. It helps to give your eyes a rest, especially after a long time working at the computer or reading.

Drink plenty of fluids. Don’t forget to drink fluids, especially water, to avoid dehydration which may contribute to headaches.

Eat something. Make sure you are eating regularly; do not skip meals. Low blood sugar due to skipping breakfast or lunch is a common cause of headaches.

Take a nap. Short 20-minute rest breaks or naps often re-charge your energy and may help prevent a late afternoon tension headache. However, avoid naps if you have trouble sleeping through the night.

Heart Attack Warning Signs

Friday, March 7, 2014

Heart Attack Warning Signs

A heart attack happens when the heart does not get enough blood flow. During a heart attack, heart muscle can be permanently damaged. Many people think a heart attack is sudden, like a “movie” heart attack, where someone clutches her chest and falls over.

But the truth is that many heart attacks start slowly as mild pain or discomfort. These feelings may even come and go. For both women and men, the most common sign of a heart attack is pain or discomfort in the center of the chest. The pain or discomfort can be mild or strong. The discomfort may be constant or it may come and go over several minutes.

For women, though, chest pain may not be the first sign that your heart is in trouble. Before a heart attack, women have reported unusual tiredness, trouble sleeping, heartburn, a cough, heart flutters, or loss of appetite.

These are symptoms that could mean a heart attack is happening:

• Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain.

• Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach.

• Shortness of breath. This may occur with or without chest discomfort.
• Other signs. These may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness.

Get help right away
If you have signs of a heart attack or stroke, call 911. Call right away — in 5 minutes or less. 


Indigestion may be caused by how you neat, not just what you eat.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Indigestion may be caused by how you neat, not just what you eat. 

The feelings of discomfort and distress in the abdomen are often caused by overeating, eating too rapidly or not chewing properly. Overeating or eating frequently produces a feverish state in the system and overtaxes the digestive organs. It produces excessive acid and causes the gastric mucus membrane to become congested. Hyperacidity is usually the result.

Overeating makes the work of stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels harder. When this food putrefies, its poisons are absorbed back into the blood and consequently, the whole system is poisoned. Many people gulp their food due to stress or hurry. When food is swallowed in large chunks, the stomach has to work harder and more hydrochloride is secreted.

Eating too fast also causes one to swallow air. These bad habits force some of the digestive
fluids into the oesophagus, causing burning, a stinging sensation or a sour taste, giving an
illusion of stomach acid.


Take heed of headaches. Headaches may be a symptom of hypertension.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Take heed of headaches. Headaches may be a symptom of hypertension. 

High blood pressure can cause pounding headaches. The headache usually starts at the back 
of the head on getting up in the morning.
A safe method of treatment for this is to immerse your
legs to calf-level in a tub of hot water for 15 to 20 minutes. This draws the blood away from the 
head and down to the feet, relieving the headache. 


To cure a headache, eat something (as long as it is not sugar).

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

To cure a headache, eat something (as long as it is not sugar).

Low blood sugar is one of the causes of irritability and headache. Sugar is not a cure for low
blood sugar, though it may raise the blood sugar temporarily and make one feel better for a while.

Low blood sugar is the result of an abused pancreas which over stimulates the production
of insulin in the body. It can be controlled by eating smaller meals at short intervals rather than
the standard three large meals daily. The intake of carbohydrates should be cut down to the
minimum. Coffee should be eliminated as it over stimulates the pancreas.


To avoid headache, avoid eyestrain.

To avoid headache, avoid eyestrain.

Eyestrain is a common cause of headache. In such cases, an eye specialist should be consulted and proper treatment taken. Simple eye exercises such as moving the eyes up and down and from side to side, palming, rotating the head, with neck outstretched, forward and backwards three times, then three times clockwise and three times counter clockwise, can relieve eyestrain.

A surprising way to relieve eyestrain is to give gentle massage to the neck. Bring the shoulders together and release. Then take a few minutes to place a moist cool compress over the eyes to
give them rest and recuperation.

